Same. I still occasionally browse Reddit, but I have a rule that I don’t post or comment there. I do post and comment here.
Same. I still occasionally browse Reddit, but I have a rule that I don’t post or comment there. I do post and comment here.
ONLYOFFICE (sorry about the caps, poor name choice IMO) has even better docx compatibility, and its source code is open
Trogdor was popular way before Reddit
Journal quality can buffer this by getting better reviewers (MDPI shouldn’t be seen as having peer review at all, but peer review at the best journals–because professors want to say on their merit raise annual evals that they are doing the most service to the field by reviewing at the best journals–is usually good enough at weeding out bad papers), but it gets offset by the institutional prestige of authors when peer-review isn’t double-blind. I’ve seen some garbage published in top journals by folks that are the caliber of Harvard professors (thinking of one in particular) because reviewers use institutional prestige as a heuristic.
When I’m teaching new grad students, I tell them exactly what you said, with the exception that they can use field-recognized journal quality (not shitty metrics like impact factor) as a relative heuristic until they can evaluate methods for themselves.
Oregonians almost take pleasure in driving slowly in front of you. Maybe they’ve just gotten used to going slow because the entire state freeway system is always under construction. People driving crazily is infuriating for a completely different reason.
I never understand why lemmy downvotes someone who is trying to help by providing accurate information, presumably because they think that there’s a very small chance that the person they’re replying to isn’t being sarcastic.
I’m back on my BS is also a solid contributor
The online play is garbage. I played in H1 tournaments around the US back when it was good and would love for them to do it better than they did with their remake. The remake actually remade Halo 1 PC, not the Xbox version.
That’s fascinating, and I agree with you. Why the US hates the idea of high-speed rail is beyond me, especially because they prided themselves so much on the rail system they put together earlier in their development. In any case, the US can’t do much of anything with its debt-to-GDP as high as it is right now. They can hardly keep from shutting the government down entirely because they won’t even agree to a government budget.
Also, the US is 9.14 million sq. km of land, whereas the EU is 4.29 million sq. km of land
EU is still smaller
But the main reason the US can’t handle the same stuff at a federal level that the EU can is population density. The US government can’t afford to nationalize rural healthcare given how rural the US can be–especially with their debt/GDP at the moment. Give it another few hundred years and the US might catch up to Europe in that respect.
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I don’t internet without uBlock. I honestly couldn’t imagine it any other way.