Enjoy your farts
This is a goon safe space.
JP you’re fuckin’ weird
Everyone talks about gun rights, but what about sword rights? Why can’t I open carry a claymore in a Wendy’s? Law abiding sword owners face the most oppressive laws in the country and in some states can not even own swords for self defense. The right to bear swords should be on everyone’s mind come November.
Fuck that stupid fucking horse for make jg me cry every time.
I referred to Jennifer Connolly as Stifler’s mom and this zoomer gave me a blank stare.
Oh and his son works there and makes 7 figures for throwing an annual gala so he can party with his other rich friends.
It’s not fair to compare people who are shrewd at business and take advantage of a tax system that is rigged in their favor to people who are literally stealing from their own people.
I dunno, the guy in the picture looks like he figured out the use case already
Quick time events are such a garbage game design concept
Fascist ideology has no internal consistency. It only cares about power and money
Were they unlimited?