lol, true dat. It was fun fucking with them too
lol, true dat. It was fun fucking with them too
I remember on Reddit I’d see like a post a month from some uneducated pirate person asking how to fix a utorrent issue. It was fun watching them try to justify using it with all the other legit, updated clients. It didn’t ever go well for the OP.
It’s using those very old SSI D&D graphics. Love it.
I just read that the woodpecker called a flicker mostly eats ants out of the ground instead of eating a lot shit out of a tree like you would expect. That’s what I thought about looking at this one
Damn, this one got me to actually laugh out loud.
I laughed but I didn’t really understand it for some reason. Pumice is a light inferior rock and he doesn’t like it. I think that’s what I got out of it
I’ve accidentally turned on speed limits in Qbit before
deleted by creator
I loved those videos. Don’t think they’re available on Youtube anymore.
I’m old so a lot but I always mention SSI DnD games like Pool of Radiance. I think the games would be a bit of slog for most people today. All the Ultimas besides 9.
Larson put some real effort into this drawing. Looks good
First and only game I was able to think of. Good stuff
Roll around on the ground a lot during combat. Works wonders.
The fighting could get tedious(often and repetitive) but the skill tree and classes were truly great in my opinion. Felt like a true accomplishment when I finally beat it. I could have had tech issues back in the day…way to long ago for me to remember but it when it came to getting games to run, I was pretty tenacious.
These days, Steam or GOG just make old games to work. I replayed D&D SSI games from the early 90’s recently without a problem.
I liked Wiz 8 much more than I did any of the earlier ones
I think you can play very tiny games on them
Also, if the thousand of insects were staying, that woman would have to make a lot of coffee. Otherwise, what other people said since I was struggling myself.
What a hideous couple. If one of the staples that holds her face in place pops out, someone is going to lose an eye