Just duck it bro. (Add !chat to your query or use ai assistant in results)
Just duck it bro. (Add !chat to your query or use ai assistant in results)
Basically he is saying that his bro Putin is threatening the west with demonic weapons
Ah yes, beware of ukrainian lada !
Ah yes it was the CIA that did the Holodomor
Wasn’t Beethoven deaf ?
It says la cigarette cause le cancer.
For linux driver development you can start by reading “Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition” pdf.
It is free and give you an idea about how everything works.
The real learning is by reading and using the linux kernel api doc or directly the source code of the api you want to call.
Source : i did this for a school project where i had to implement multiple kernel modules.
If I see someone say “in Canada…” it does make me pity them that they couldn’t consider any other country in the world with their insubstantial brains
Your whole comment is based on your biased USA resident point of view.
You are the one here that apply USA logic to the whole world as you guys like to do.
I am not from the USA and thinking that everyone talking english on internet is from the USA feels very ignorant to me.
It is not anymore patriarchy but the ultra rich against the common people.
RDR1 then RDR2.
Pas mal non ? C’est français.
This is the real multipla !