This was the website that pfsense maintainers made as soon as OPNsense was announced. They sniped the name, derided the project and only ended up handing over the domain after they were legally compelled to.
One person affiliated with Netgate in particular can be seen around forums and social media and has serious axes to grind. He’s… not pleasant.
Add to that Netgate’s practices (IIRC secret proprietary blob required to build pfsense, double-check that fact / unremovable installation tracking) and the picture painted is one of petulance and anger.
[edit] oh yeah, and this gem!
Second OPNsense. pfSense also is maintained by some pretty shitty individuals.
All the ISPs I’ve used block the relevant ports.
I use that layout. Instead of a huge keyboard I use mod layers. Very handy and I prefer it. I get why others wouldn’t.
Yeah, be happy you’ve found your true love 🙂
I wish I could try it out… Looks nice.
To be fair, he broke and entered a networking closet as well. But I guess that is a separate issue.