… Which means that businesses are making ‘too much’ money on top to sink into such endeavors, no?
For the vendor (non-)consent thing - Consent-O-Matic provides an appropriate framework.
(Whether such a side would even care about the preference/consent is another matter entirely - I’d suggest a throwaway browser identity and cookie auto delete for a start, anyway.)
Creating rules has a bit of a learning curve the first three or seven times, but I find that more interesting to do than go through a hostile/dark pattern cookie dialog or such the third time.
Hm, maybe the appropriate functionality from CoM could be re-wrapped as a TamperMonkey module…
Web automation for the masses 😱
Usually those all need to be in the same folder, and you launch unrar with the file with no (if such one exists) or the lowest number (0 of 1) only.