Yoeah, but you have to use Twitter for that, which also is quite a big downside.
Yoeah, but you have to use Twitter for that, which also is quite a big downside.
Yeah, but you have to use Twitter for that. I prefer Reddit over Twitter by a lot.
What are The better solutions(asking for a friend).
I hate to say it, but Reddit is great for porn too.
Didn’t plan on doing that.
Damn, that’s an absolutely wild experience. I by myself havent experimented with psychedelic drugs yet, but I plan on doing so.
I fucking hate you for this
Does LSD and Weed kicks so hard? Know I’m curious how it is with microdosing and weed.
Organic food is devinetively not snake oil. As you mentioned,Nutrition wise its exactly the same. However, the Environmental Impact is completely different. Organic farming is much better in terms of biodiversity, soil health. Since organic farming doesn’t include the use of pesticides it doesn’t kills everything else that would live on a field. Also, Theres always parts of the pesticides that stay in the crops and that you eat. I don’t know exactly how bad they are, but considering that(at least in Germany) Parkinson is an accepted work related illness for farmers its sure that they aren’t entirely safe for humans. However, we should take into consideration, that farmers get exposed to much higher doses of pesticides. If someone has some articles regarding this topic feel free to share.
Organic food is devinetively not snake oil. As you mentioned,Nutrition wise its exactly the same. However, the Environmental Impact is completely different. Organic farming is much better in terms of biodiversity, soil health. Since organic farming doesn’t include the use of pesticides it doesn’t kills everything else that would live on a field. Also, Theres always parts of the pesticides that stay in the crops and that you eat. I don’t know exactly how bad they are, but considering that(at least in Germany) Parkinson is an accepted work related illness for farmers its sure that they aren’t entirely safe for humans. However, we should take into consideration, that farmers get exposed to much higher doses of pesticides. If someone has some articles regarding this topic feel free to share.
I really like the Electric Callboy cover of it. You should listen to it.
Ah, newpipe. I already knew that one, but didn’t knew the term pipeline.
What is Pipeline?
As others already pointed out, none of the woman accusing Lindemann was willing to go to court with their claims. Even tho, that so far it looks like everything he did was legal you can still talk about him absuing the power he has over his fans. I kinda doubt, that a lot of girls would say no, if a 40 year older rock superstar asks for sex. Legally speaking she may gave her consent, but morally I think that he devinetively abused his power and status.
And here I am raging because dead by daylight absolutely sucks.
Actually it really looks like physic needs imaginary numbers to accurately explain reality.
Eat the rich
I have a desktop for gaming and office work. My Laptop for watching stuff while laying in bed and for school work. My phone primarily is for chatting with friends, browsing Lemmy, calling and playing some games.
DMT is A very potent psychedelic drug.
Shown in the picture is DM-Tea(DM is a German groceries company), which spoken sound similar to DMT.
Same. Matrix is great.