You should just get the impulse cook top last range you’ll ever need, super cleanable, magnetic knobs— is expensive but will be the last one you’ll need:
You should just get the impulse cook top last range you’ll ever need, super cleanable, magnetic knobs— is expensive but will be the last one you’ll need:
Enter bioengineering: empathy virus
I think he means the mental framework where levels of privilege are assigned to swaths of the population based a facet of their identity: white privilege, female privilege, vegetarian privilege, etc.
We can disagree a bit about the sacredness of life but I think we agree about oreseving nature. Yet I think national parks are both a good and a practical necessity. If the general public can’t get a taste of wilderness they will not value it, and will not protest its demise. So it’s a balancing act— in a perfect world sure have some very large untouched reserves, but if you care about any wilderness surviving then national parks are a must imho.
Batteries have a plus and a minus, the spring is generally the flatter end which is generally negative, they’re designed that way to be stackable, although we could probably come up with a slightly more intuitive design.
Aha ok yeah that does make more sense will give it a shot— thank you!
Let’s say I’m using a streaming service for instance
Same! thatt’s literally so me!
I suspect that you could use Linux, but people have muscle memory for certain things ig
Dude did you need the “(first)”? I’m really trying to be optimistic this morning x.x
So I’ve certainly read some leftwing stuff on lemmy but I have yet to encounter, ant current recollection, any posts / comments which advocate violence. Not saying they don’t exist but would be curious to see some examples (if you have some on hand).
Yeah I think a local Git server would be good, will try our forgejo since people seem to like it— I’ve been using git for a lot of projects but not so much for large files and HW stuff since when using GitHub there are size limitations. Does seem like it would be freeing to be able to delete whatever I want from my workstation without worrying about losing stuff
Def going to check this out— I think it will solve my biggest problem with GitHub which is just the number of large files I have to deal with— overthought comments are the best comments- thanks!
Yeah, I really should start using Git for everything, but I’ve been working with a lot of large datasets recently (mostly EEG data). A big part of improving accuracy comes from cleaning the data, which is huge and takes a while to process. I could set up a local Git server to keep track of everything or just save the base data files and regenerate as needed, but on my current setup, that process can take anywhere from 2-6 hours depending on the task. So for now, I’ve just been managing everything locally to save time.
Do they exude a certain positive attitude highlighting the good things from civilization or do you mean that putting them in contrast to the world of today things are good?
But Linux is open source? So if hypothetically so distro adopted spying al la windows couldn’t people just change distros? tbh I also think the question is slightly confusing as I don’t understand why OP thinks Mac OS is not standardized but I digress.
I think one advantage lemmy might have is the possibility of expanding the number of sorting metrics allowing users to sort things the way they choose rather than a few monolithic sort options.
Why? I have to imagine it would be nice if I lived in a walkable city to wake up in the mornings by going for a walk with a coffee to wake up— I mean I might just go to coffee shop so I don’t have to lug it about but it doesn’t seem especially egregious
Careful that’s how we got the floods that one time…
I think you sorted things into three types of medicine:
[ pseudo, alternative, modern/mainstream ]
I think he believes that most things you put into the alternative category have already been mostly studied; those being not proved or disproved to work.
I think the that some issue here comes from the fact that conspiracy theorists / other (for lack of an agreed upon modifier) medicine gurus may have used the argument that some medicines aren’t proven to be bad yet as a way to give them legitimacy.
Whether or not other medicine is good for you should be be studied and determined to be medicine or not. Until then we can’t say anything about its efficacy. But there can be carry on effects: protein powder was found to have heavy metals, is protein powder good? Maybe in certain circumstances, but concentrating a given substance can have unintended consequences when not properly analyzed.