Just use qbittorrent
Just use qbittorrent
Yes, this tiny
People that complain on little tiny thing
I use Firefox and Chrome as I am not a woke vegan
If you have latest Windows 10 or 11, I believe ssh is now preinstalled so you can just use ssh from cmd or powershell.
If you want GUI as well, the easiest option is to use something like anydesk or something alike or just plain forwarding X over ssh with puTTY.
I am on Mint Cinnamon 21.3 and I cannot use Wayland
Being able to pinch to zoom on my laptop touchpad
Are you on linux and are describing this issue where VLC cannot be reopened after exiting without logging out and logging back in?
Code::Blocks is the worst offender
Yasuke for Terminal because he was a sole black man in Japan of his time. Just like Terminal program is solely black as compared to most other apps.
Most people dont use dark mode on Linux because most apps look horrible in Linux under dark mode
Lets hope they actually fix dnf be faster rather than shifting blame
iTunes is probably the biggest, people with iDevices have a harder time with GNU/Linux
Sorry if my writing seems like scribbles, I am not a native English speaker.
Would that work? I will try, thanks
Yeah but is Nix OS going to provide easy to use persistence volume manager in its live mode?
Those are like sky and land difference than what I am looking for
It seems even I have many many many things to learn still
Yes, all of that is persistence storage.
When you boot, if you choose to use persistence storage by unlocking with password, etc, all your settings, installed app, etc get loaded from it. If you dont, the distro default is set.
If you have used Tails OS, its exactly that, except not hyper focused on anonymity and security requiring Tor to be running to access the network
That and making it easy to store settings, passwords, bookmarks, etc, almost how Tails does it
That Caps lock thing is a bug. It is not supposed to happen. Something is wrong in your system
That firefox not restoring session is also a bug, it does not happen in most cases
You could add the following
Pinch to zoom in laptop touchpad is not a thing
Some programs will not play nicely with themes, like title bar and menu bar following dark mode, most apps not following dark mode followed by the bottom most part of UI in dark mode. Its honestly frustrating
Not wanting to break your system is quiet a common wish of most people. Good news is, you are on OpenSUSE and that thing is supposed to be stable. Bad news is, you are new to linux and will inevitably break things. Here are few tips from my side to help you not break things
1: When you are asked to modify system file by deleting some other file, do not delete the old file, rather, rename it to something else, change its extension or move it outside
2: Try to find fix that is least complicated, often times you will have many solutions with different pros and cons. If you can help yourself, try the change that is easiest to revert
3: Always take notes, if you had a problem and you did some things, note what you did and why/how you did it. What was in your mind when you did it.
4: Understand why a setting is the way it is before changing. I see alot of guides that teach you to make your system fast or make it lightweight, etc by changing some default settings. Before changing them, ask why they were the way they were. Somone at OpenSUSE probably decided to set it that way for a reason. Try to understand why and what are the consequences of changing them. Now, I am not saying you should not change it. Often times, distro maintainers try to be as generalist as possible to support as many hardware as possible like installing all kinds of drivers. You may get away removing support for things you dont actually need.