If filesystem UUIDs are IP equivalents. Then device paths are MAC addresses. FS labels are DNS. Device mapper entries are service discovery.
If filesystem UUIDs are IP equivalents. Then device paths are MAC addresses. FS labels are DNS. Device mapper entries are service discovery.
The reasoning is that it is not illegal to fake most student ID cards but it is a federal offense to fake or alter government issued ID documents.
That way if it becomes an issue they can just pass it on to the authorities as their problem.
“Invalid” or “unparseable” are more understandable descriptors in normal language. I don’t think I ever heard of garbage/junk being used for that in language theory but it may be domain specific usage.
It’s not well explained for sure but judging by the names of the cookies I bet those store the consent (opt in/out) values for the other tracking options. Another way of putting it would be those are functional cookies related to the cookie consent form itself so that you don’t have to re-select consent options every time you visit the site.