No fucking way, this is absurd.
It looks like vitepress.
Conservatives are winning next time around in Canada. It’s set in stone at this point.
No but it requires a wakelock via Notification. Meaning it will never doze
Simplex destroys battery life. Like absolutely drains the shut out of your device. I want to like it but that’s a huge issue.
Obligatory Windows is bloat.
There’s nothing saying that tomorrow this isn’t the case. Laws are fluid, just because they won’t come after people currently for small time piracy does not mean that won’t change.
More like IPFS
This is me, I feel like calling is detrimental because I can’t fucking understand what people are saying on the phone, presumably they can’t understand me. Everything is initially misscomunicated and needs to be restated like 2-3 times. Email just makes more sense and if it’s a bunch of things that need to be communicated precisely. Also having things in written for like an email is always good because it can be later referenced incase things become some he said she said.
There’s no way to enforce that outside of parental Intervention, which won’t happen.
The way it’s done at this current moment is in no way sustainable. Once we start seeing better dedicated hardware for doing ai on client side hardware and remove the need to use massive GPU farms. AI is cool but it’s like driving a tank to the grocery store. We need the Prius of ai.