Interesting I always thought bananas came from a Republic.
Interesting I always thought bananas came from a Republic.
Those British pussies still have a king. Crush away history.
The hard drug boys. Vol 420
I’ve seen the movies you’ve starred in too Mr. Squid, and hold on I’m checking flights to Korea.
Make brain worms great again.
Actions speak louder than words.
Fuck I love soft serve ice cream.
Coming up with the same wrong answers for over 50 years.
Sheesh for someone seeing something a million times how can you be so ignorant? Oh it’s willfully.
Yeah why change anything lets just move on to more our loved ones dying from lack of healthcare.
Yeah because the alphabet gang needs a reason and a crazy “smithers” thinks reasonable and logically? I mean you might as well say it’s not safe in NYC for anyone. Quit your pearl clutching and live a little deliciously.
1 house for everyone before 2 house for any seems like easy math.
Cuz it’s awesome. Your looking at a modern day George fucking Washington.
Do you have the proper tax stamp and notorized permit from the state and your landlord? You are going straight to prisonl as well.
Sounds like you were stealing scrap metal to me, right to private prison, you are now happily employed.
Yeah that minimum wage sure makes people go above and beyond lol 🤡
Lol “How will you attract talent?” thats always been the argument why do think their pay has increased so much while labor wage has stagnated.
You get what you deserve.
Obviously it says b orbs.