DEAD ACCOUNT. does not have active administration and I need to move on. Catch me over at dbzer0:
Yet another Reddit refugee from the great 3rd party app purge of 2023. Obligatory fuck /u/Spez.
Jpg at 70% will lose a significant amount of detail. It is a “lossy” format, you cant judt compress data for nothing.
AVIF is significantly more efficient than jpeg, so it loses less image data for higher compression (smaller file sizes).
JXL supports both lossy and lossless compression, and is supposed to be more efficient yet over AVIF. However it’s got proprietary all over it because Google et al. For thst alone I would shy away from JXL and go AVIF.
Instead let’s stay here till 2:30a playing dumb video game, become sleep deprived, and hate my entire existence in the morning even more than I already did
They still do. There’s so much shit in Windows 10/11that could phone home and shut down your install if you don’t have a valid license, but Microsoft doesn’t actually give a shit if you have a license or not. They just want to make sure you have their botnet installed and not any other OS.
Aside from hard science and engineering degrees where the technical knowledge is a foundation for what you’ll learn in industry, a college degree is simply a piece of paper that says “I received a balanced education and have my life together enough to focus, manage time, and complete tasks reliably for 4 years straight.” Rarely do you ever use most of the knowledge you gained in college besides the aforementioned life management skills.
Because in the words of GabeN, piracy (in a 1st world country at least) is a service problem and not a pricing problem. Many things are worth paying for, especially when you are supporting smaller creators, artists and indie game devs. But when heavy-handed DRM’s and corporate shovelware and services that actively remove content I pay for makes it a shit experience. I’m gonna just torrent that shit, fuck 'em
Heeeeere comes the hexbear brigade!
Y’all need more fiber in ya life
Outside of the hard sciences where youre there to learn necessary specific foundational knowledge and technical stuff - mech/elec/civil engineering, high level medical, etc - it really doesn’t. The degree is proof that you can put your head down and manage yourself well enough to survive in the white collar world.
this just in: actually spending money on QA allows you to put out a higher quality product
Thanks, Steam Deck.
What in the manufactured persecution fetish is this bullshit? Where’s the meme?
Depends where you live. Areas with a smaller craft brew scene do end up with the “nothing but IPA” problem. But where I live in the PNW there’s simply so damn many that even with 50% of them being IPA’s, you still get a huge selection of other pilsners, stouts, amber ales, hefenweizens… its pretty nice.
Doing the lord’s work. What a shitfest of a modlog, real winner this guy is
Edit: dear God he keeps MAKING MORE. This dude seriously needs to get a life or something
Ayo I’m in the screenshot letsa fucking GOOOOOOOOOO-
For context, Bungiefan_ak has no fewer than 4 alts that I’ve seen (all on different instances with the same username) and has spent his time on ! continuously spamming heavily transphobic, homophobic, and objectifying sexist “memes”. Just about every one of his alts is now banned but I’m sure more will pop up.
Now, why the fuck he cares so much about pirates at this point, I haven’t a clue…
2GB of memory is fine for openWRT. Routing is surprisingly light tbh, consider that most all home/SOHO routers run integrated SoC’s with <256MB of memory.
routing speed is more dependent on CPU +cache speed
i’d eat my boot if a residential ISP let you run your own SFP fiber module. they have to pretty tighttly control those things to keep signal levels right and have wavelengths in the right spots. plus they’ll need to upstream reconfigure it somewhat frequently as the local network changes and if it’s not their hardware, they’ll get mad.
Honestly, its gotta be the MS Office suite.
Yes if you’re just writing your own simple documents libreoffice/OpenOffice will work, but if you have to do anything more complex than a single page spreadsheet, text-on-white presentations, or 3 page MLA book reports… or, even worse, have to interact with documents and spreadsheets created by basically any other person on the planet, I’ve just never had a good consistent experience with any of the free options.
Also that construction worker: has bad back, bad knees, arthritic hands and skin cancer at age 42
Don’t get me wrong the trades are amazing for a kid to get into right out of school, and they’re critically necessary. But don’t be expecting to make a lifelong career out of it, because it is absolutely hard on your body. Do it for 5 years max and move up to management.
welp, we’ve reached and then blown past that
time to pony up boy
Linus gives exactly zero fucks about saying exactly what’s on his mind. And it’s almost always massively based. He’s always been great about that, we don’t deserve such a great mind.
Actually yeah. i’ll guarantee that was it. 14 days ago I was making fun of hexbear users defending russia’s war crimes in the memes /c/ of all places… which is weird that they defend it considering russia is very not-communist anymore.
still sucks since many of the largest communities around things like linux and tech are on .ml