wow I completely forgot about halloween and the steam sale.
wow I completely forgot about halloween and the steam sale.
Hecking naraya. I didn’t know they were making other products. The Naraya Soya drink advertised to be free/gratis in that top-left tastes terrible though 🤣 it tastes mostly water 😭
Fedora and unfortunately my keyboard cannot do autocomplete because nobody expects my keyboard
My friend who’s a phsycology student will hear about this meme
naughtius phallus
why is this animated
We swapped. Wayland social media coming.
Most of the time I open youtube in Google container tab, see any interesting video to watch, but I often don’t want to have related videos recommended to me. So I watch them in temporary containers.
Because the recommendation is like this, just because I like 3kliksphilip talk about niche ladder mechanic in counter-strike, doesn’t mean I’m interested to some random e-sport CS player talk about CS tournaments.
Or one time I watch 2kliksphilip’s video on DiRT Rally, I get videos from racing youtubers talk about their driving wheels, and even real-life Rally videos. (Philip doesn’t even use driving wheels, he used keyboard, but this is unrelated :3)
I took Age4 Sultans Ascend DLC and Cossacks 3 in previous sale before winter because I ended up with a bit more money. Somehow I didn’t spent much money as usual in October, cook food on my own instead of buying cooked food.
I don’t really have any other wishlist now. Instead I really want to make my own rts game but I have not been able to be productive nor playing Cossacks 3. But I did spent a bit more time with Age4.