Paper towel, always. No paper towels? That’s why you enter the bathroom with a napkin in your pocket.
Paper towel, always. No paper towels? That’s why you enter the bathroom with a napkin in your pocket.
Live in fear, cunt.
Wait, you’re serious. You actually think this shitpost has useful info. Lol!
Whichever you prefer. My 2 cents is that it’s probably a hitman. But it doesn’t matter, does it.
I bet the hitman was hired by the aggrieved parent of a child that was forced to die for profit. Dolla dolla bill.
Imagine not knowing the fucking Pythagorean Theorem. Imagine not being able to do basic trigonometry, a cornerstone of physics.
Israelis and Palestinians. Many Jews are against what Israel is doing.
Does yer dick still work when you’re like 150?
Imagine the size of its ass
lol, this is a good one. But really not obvious what your intent is, unless one actually bothers to click.
I mean, shit, I thought it was dead obvious.
Yo i heard he is a secret muslin
Wife and I are home alone during the school day on Monday.
HR is valuable only at the margins, when someone is a real PITA and needs to be fired, or when there’s some niche legal employment issue. Which is to say, HR is necessary, if mostly worthless.
STFU regard