It’s pretty good, but you only get a half serving.
It’s pretty good, but you only get a half serving.
The Christian god is just a spurned lover who wrote in their diary about how stupid and mean their ex is and they should never have dumped him.
Satan is the dumper and has moved on long ago.
I tend to do my primary shopping at a place where you bag your own. The order is generally produce and bulk items first (it tends to be the bulk of the purchase), then frozen things, boxed/canned things, and finally squishy things like bread, eggs, and uh, delicious Hostess fruit pies.
“cum.salon” sounds thrilling. I both want it to be exactly what it says it is, but also, something completely different.
Paid mods is almost never a good thing for the game itself.
Almost every mod out there is addressing some (real or perceived) deficiency in the base game. Good game studios look at what’s popular and either pull those features into the base game, or work with the modder to do the same.
Adding a paid mod system changes that cooperative relationship into an adversarial one, where modders see their revenue stream attacked by the game maker.
(Except maybe the make everyone nude mods)
For me, it was the surprise song in Dragon Age Inquisition, when they performed “The Dawn Will Come.”
You’d just had a huge battle, the hero was a low point, and they break out into this… thing. It’s stunning and so well done.
The sun could’ve gone nova 8 minutes ago and we wouldn’t know for another 20 seconds or so.
The worst and best thing you can do when using vim is learn the movement keys (
, andl
) because they’re so powerful and work no where else.