Sexuality is a spectrum and feeling attracted to Henry is a common trait.
Sexuality is a spectrum and feeling attracted to Henry is a common trait.
Curry on chips!
Costume design was a highlight
Fallout London is about to release and it’s a massive under taking. They are hoping to attract people who haven’t played in years. Trying to get them to install the right version because Todd Howard isn’t as easy as your dismissal suggests
And vinegar so vinegary that it blows the taste buds of your descendants for 500 years
I get what you are saying, but we just need men. Socially healthy, well-adjusted men. Especially in early education. Role models matter.
I’m a stem teacher, and I work hard at trying to get more women into stem.
The no opportunity for males to be exceptional is a dog whistle. Stem is still there for men. There are still high standards.
The problem is a lack of men in teaching roles.
Young men have few, sometimes no, men who act as role models…for example, I get comments from students who love the fact that I have a beard and they like that a teacher is proud to present in one.
Secondly men and women have different skills socialized into them. Guys are better at exams and practical tasks while women are socialized to be better at communicating tasks. As men left education assessments moved from practicals and exams to essays.
Socialized isn’t entirely correct it’s also a lack of focus on the difference between how young men and women develop in primary years which also leads to skill issues
Anyway ranting on my phone sucks. More women in stem, especially in digital technology and engineering is great, women have ideas, they can solve problems, we should learn why engineering is a sausage festival instead of just assuming that it is because men are more exceptional at engineering than women.
News just in, Jesus Christ fucks for Linux. News at 5
For freedom unit fans he means Celsius . 104f