Roku Jellyfin app has been pretty good lately, few complaints now!
Where’s your bike seat?
I see Mint as the more reasonable option that keeps 98% of the advantages of Ubuntu, with less of the crazy. I was a xubuntu user a decade ago, but have been very happy with Mint xfce since I switched.
If you’re ordinary and you never get enough sleep, I have just the place for you. New York’s hottest nap club is “Off to Dreamland!” Located in the heart of Queens at the corner of Sleep Street and Sleepytime Drive, this converted mattress store park was the ceremony spot for a lengendary nap taken by Adam Conover when he was a boy. This place has everything: body pillows, comforters, blankies, cuddle buddies, sleep masks, and CPAP machines. And be sure to hit the converted traincar section and lean your head on the shoulder of MTA Chair Janno Lieber, the celebrity sleeper in residence.
Aviation biofuel is mostly a distraction. Any serious effort to decarbonize the transportation industry would focus on a scalable system, presumably high-speed rail.
(And whoever is thinking about being a smartass, don’t you dare come at me with bullshit about trans-ocean flights, they obviously can’t be take by train, but biofuel is still utterly incapable of supplying even only ocean flights. It’s not ever going to be a viable product. We’d be better off trying to scale up carbon capture than try to use all our arable land to grow crops for fuel.)
Thanks for the rec! I also love that you presume that there will be a next time, cuz, uh, that’s accurate. These little boxes are powerhouses, I probably want one for a TV set-top box now that all the TV boxes (Roku, Amazon Fire, even Android TV and soon Apple TV) are riddled with ads.
Beelink and Minisforum are legit
I wish I knew a lot of this when I first started shopping for a mini PC. I ended up with a Beelink model that I’m quite happy with, but it seems almost luck that I didn’t pick another one, and I would have liked a “reputable brand” search function.
“. . . and you can put so much stuff in there, you wouldn’t even know!”
Love love Hark! A Vagrant. And a lot of the other comics are way funnier, especially the historical ones. The comics about “marauding women on bicycles” (like this one) crack me up. I still think the “strong female characters” series is one of the funniest things ever.
I wish Beaton would keep doing Hark! A Vagrant, but given what her family went through and her sister’s misdiagnosis and death from cancer, I understand why she finished it up. Her graphic novel/memoir, Ducks, was one of the best books I read last year.
I think US military operations moved away from counter-insurgency to preparedness with conflicts with mechanized military forces that have actual air power, so a low-and-slow airframe wasn’t considered as necessary. That, and drones are filling a lot of the air coverage and surveillance gap (though no one on the ground will tell you there could ever be a complete replacement for the BRRRRRRRR of an A-10.)
As I understand it, the Armed Overwatch pick that would at least sometimes replace the A-10 for close air support is the OA-1K Sky Warden, which has 10 hard points, and a 7,257kg gross weight. I don’t know how to accurately calculate the Sky Warden’s weight budget, but it’s a little more than half of the gross weight of the A-10, so I’d guess it’s roughly half, or 3,500kg or so. Which is definitely a step down in terms of weight and ability, but I guess the hope is that it will be cheaper to fly and maintain, particularly since it’s based off the long-running Air Tractor AT-802 airframe. I think the other two planes in consideration, the EMB-314 Super Tucano and the AT-6B Wolverine, have fewer hard points (5 each) and lower maximum take-off weights (5,400kg and 2,948kg, respectively).
And if I read the literature correctly, the craft actually selected was the OA-1K Sky Warden, the airframe based on the agricultural aircraft designs of Air Tractor AT-802.
It looks like the Scorpion was not selected by the USAF for the light-strike or patrolling craft role, in favor of pursuing turboprop options (Beechcraft AT-6 Wolverine and Embraer EMB-314 Super Tucano).
This is how it often works, people cry bloody murder until they get the human-oriented infrastructure and then most people love it and forget they ever complained about it.
Torchlight 2 and 3 are fun looting co-op experiences.
Thanks, much easier! (I like that username, btw!)
Anti-Cheat is a bitch
Seriously, I don’t know how this one is solvable, to be honest, without major investment and support from the game companies themselves.
performance issues are definitely not universal
Yup, I picked it up for $7 to play with friends last year. It’s worth double that, but not $45. I still play with them sometimes but it isn’t my favorite.
Somewhat unrelated, this game has one of the worst menu systems I have ever seen. It’s astounding how unintuitive it is.
Don’t @ me too hard, but I think @luciferofastora has some good points on sound and anti-cheat. They don’t affect me, mostly because I don’t like PVP games that need anti-cheat, but they represent a huge chunk of the market and I do wish they worked better on Linux. I’m fully on Linux for my daily driver and generally have good experiences, I’m not even considering going back to Windows, I just wish things worked better for everyone.
Duck Detective. Charming game, but quite short.