That cover art is giving Jack T. Chick
That cover art is giving Jack T. Chick
I want another row for N-95 mask! With approving Drake of course
Because Reddit can fuck right off
This made me remember there is a new Dune movie coming out soon
“I’m sorry, I don’t have any information about ‘cancel my subscription.’ Is there something else I can help with today?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t have any information about ‘CANCEL CANCEL.’ Is there something else I can help with today?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t have any information about ‘CANCEL YOU NUMBNUT SHITE FOR CHRIST’S SAKE FUCKING CANCEL.’ Is there something else I can help with today?”
Welcome to the sea / pira-sea wiki
Types in email address:
“Unsubscribe’); DROP TABLE @ Email;–”
Here’s a video on how to do this:
I like your post, Sparky. Hating on Windows is fun and brings the whole community together
I find this argument compelling:
“We have a physiological need for privacy. Mammals in particular respond poorly to surveillance. We consider it a threat because animals in the wild are tracked by predators, and it makes us feel like prey.”
Taken from this TEDx talk: Quoted bit starts at 5:45
Communism works and has worked for thousands of years. People thrive when their needs are met. It’s authoritarianism that doesn’t work
Rage Against The Machine self-titled 1992 album
But if I don’t renew what will become of
Book recommendation on “actual piracy”:
Memory problems can occur after getting Covid, maybe that’s a factor as well?
I am grieving hard, and grief includes a lot of different feelings and experiences. Yes, there is depression, but there is also anger and reflection and the chance to find joy amidst the horror. My priorities have changed. I used to want to leave a legacy for the next generation; now I want to live in defiance of the evils that have ravaged our beautiful planet. Fuck billionaires, politicians, and cowardly centrist news outlets. Fuck them in perpetuity, until they rot away in their apocalypse bunkers. I will burn bright and hot to the end–that will be my legacy.
And as usual, Belters aren’t even listed 😤
“Christopher Columbus discovered America” (hopefully they’re not still teaching this)
Downvoting is neat; I wish it were an option here
One month in and you’re writing complex bash scripts!! Keep up the good work! 🎉