Yep, a greeting hug when you meet a friend is very common here. Sometimes it is a handshake with pat on the shoulder, or just a handshake.
Don’t really think about it much
Yep, a greeting hug when you meet a friend is very common here. Sometimes it is a handshake with pat on the shoulder, or just a handshake.
Don’t really think about it much
Really like how gothic is listed among fallout and morrowind
There was a time computers had no text but instead had punch cards
I think the need for programmers will always be there, but there might be a transition towards higher abstraction levels. This has actually always been happening: we started with much focus on assembly languages where we put in machine code, but nowadays a much less portion of programmers are involved in those and do stuff in python, java or whatever. It is not essential to know stuff about garbage collection when you are writing an application, because the compiler already does that for you.
Programmers are there to tell a computer what to do. That includes telling a computer how to construct its own commands accordingly. So, giving instructions to an AI is also programming.
You are right, but know that it can be hard for someone to judge claims.
And to answer OP: I’d say try to read qualitative, well established newspapers. They often have various overview articles and if you read articles from a couple of them then you should get a diverse view