I think you might even be able to get away with /s if you escape them properly in the filename.
20, they/she, math+CS student
I think you might even be able to get away with /s if you escape them properly in the filename.
There are, many turtles/tortoises are herbivorous. Also rabbits, rodents, and a few lizards.
It seems like gcc rust would pretty much fix that issue, since soon gcc will be able to compile rust for any architecture gcc supports.
Or you could just install NixOS for update rollbacks (or use zfs/btrfs and set an alias to take snapshots whenever you update)
The leaked internal DNC poll is what I’m referencing here. Why would the poll conducted under the direct supervision of the DNC for their own personal use be exaggerating Biden’s weakness?
He’s polling worse than “generic Democrat” and he can barely form a coherent sentence. Fundamentally, I just don’t believe there is a person who would vote for Biden, but not Harris or Whittmer or whoever, but there’s lots of people who lack confidence in Biden and would be more likely to vote if someone else was nominated.
I think the most realistic way of undoing this ruling is for Biden to step down and Harris or someone else to take over. They would very likely win, and if the turnout is strong enough, they could use a legislative majority to either pack the courts or impeach/replace a few Republican Justices. The now majority liberal court could contrive some excuse to make a new ruling on presidential immunity and overturn the previous one.
It requires a lot of things to go fairly well and for the Democrats to be more organized and competent than they’ve ever been, but it is Possible, unlike a constitutional amendment imo.
Is it really intuitive if I have to open dconf-editor to change the system font?
SteamOS is an arch derivative, so you could also just install arch, add the SteamOS repos, and set the steam UI in gamescope to launch on login
If you really hate flatpak just make an arch distrobox and download off the AUR. Or install Nix or something
Is there some way to set an install hook that automatically makes those symlinks when you install a flatpak?
No, it’s licensed under the LGPL, which means source code can be freely distributed and distros would continue to package it for free no matter how hard Redhat tried to paywall it.
Didn’t Vaush literally get banned off Twitch for saying we should glass Israel?
With liquid nitrogen, which needs to stay refrigerated to remain liquid.
Sometimes the liquid nitrogen lines to the pods fail, sometimes you get a prolonged power outage, sometimes there’s a leak in the pods themselves that allows coolant to evaporate, etc.
I doubt it. Cryogenic preservation is probably possible, but current methods likely do too much damage to the person’s tissue to ever be salvageable, especially since most of them were dead for hours before being frozen. Their brains were unrecoverable before they even entered the pods. Ideally you’d want to be frozen more or less immediately. As in “the process begins while you’re still alive and they euthanize you on the table inside the cryogenics facility” immediately.
Plus a lot of these companies experience regular refrigeration failures, which is probably what caused the corpses in the meme to liquify like that.
I mean, the correct answer is just to pirate it, but you could probably fool it into thinking you’re on windows by changing the user agent string of your browser to Chrome Windows x86_64
That depends on your use case, I just did a simple zpool with no redundancy because I wanted maximum speed/capacity and all my data is backed up on an external HDD. If you need redundancy, I would look online for how to configure that and what the optimal setup is.
Actually, I assumed you just had the SSD, if you have more than 256gb of free space between those HDDs, you can go ahead and remove the SSD from your zpool right now (unless your bootloader is there, then you’ll have to make an EFI system partition on one of the HDDs and install a bootloader first)
I’m fairly confident MacOS allows it, I’ve seen people do some Utterly Cursed shit in MacOS, but idk about Linux