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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Because you’re primarily looking at image posts…

    Older people, 30-40s grew up when bandwidth was a limiter, we’re used to having to decide if an image is worth the bandwidth.

    We just grew up with vastly different internets.

    You all could just load a bunch of stuff and ignore what you didn’t want. We’re stuck in the mindset that bandwidth matters, so a bunch of stupid memes we aren’t interested taking up bandwidth and screen real estate just feels off.

    It feels less like it’s being “offered” and more like it’s being shoved down our throats.

    Bandwidth is going to be the new “turn off the lights when you leave” for the Oregon Trail generation. In our heads we still need to be cognizant of how much we’re using, even tho subsequent generations never seem to think about it. They’ve just never had to.

    Happens to every generation in some way or another.

  • You’re still assuming it’s intentional…

    A leaky pipe that slowly forms a stain that looks like the Virgin Mary doesn’t mean something made that simulation of an intentional representation of a religious figure show up.

    And regardless of if anyone ever noticed the similarities or even sees it, it’s still there.

    The entire universe might just be leaky pipes and if something “bigger” out there looks at the resulting water stain, maybe out of everything they could observe, something would remind them of their existence and they might chuckle.

    But it’s very unlikely to be humans just statistically speaking.

  • They probably thought you meant something different than what you actually meant.

    You think they do an annual review of threads?

    It was over a year ago I made the comment, they banned me for it five days ago.

    I don’t know man, it’s weird you’re not getting that, but it doesn’t really matter.

    I’m sorry if I’m explaining it poorly.

    I did remember it wasn’t I blocked a mod, I explained why I might not respond. And apparently they didn’t like that I had blocked their instance

  • Weird, maybe because I looked at world’s modlog and not theirs like you seem to have done.

    I clicked on the link, it was a comment from literally a year ago lol.


    I blocked the mod of that sub about a week ago, so they likely went and saw my last comment there and banned me for it.

    Like I said tho, I’m perfectly fine with it. I blocked their whole instance a long time ago, I think it might have actually been that thread that clued me in it wasn’t worth ever going there again.

    Thanks for finding that tho! I’ll remember to check an instance’s own modlog in the future for more details.

    Quick edit:

    (which your agreement to could be seen as agreement with trans-segrigation in sports).

    Nah, I was explaining how the only way to get better at chess is to play better people, and there’s no reason for any classes based around gender. And the explanation for difference in skill, is simply that the best men refused to play women, so they never improved. The first female grand master was only that good because her dad was crazy good and made her and her sister play him constantly.

    You need the experience of high level play to be able to play at a high level, and any gender divide in division just prolongs that. So I was arguing against any segregation at all.

    That’s why they let it stay up a year until I blocked the mod of that community.

    And suddenly it was transphobic.

  • Nah, I replied to OP and they deleted the comment.

    Maybe that looks weird on some federated instances or apps tho.

    If it looks like I’m replying to someone else, that would explain the down votes.

    OPs post gets reposted pretty frequently, always by new accounts which tend to disappear a day or two later after some lazy posts.

    I really do think it’s the same person who’s bans are in the screenshots.

    It’s too random that a bunch of brand new accounts all find the post and quote it with perfectly formatting including all the pictures just to repost it the same place they found it.

    Especially since the new account always claims they’re “helping new users” like they’ve been here forever.

  • On the other hand, I’ve blocked both those instances months ago and it’s been great.

    Strangely I did notice I got banned from a blahaj community like a week ago despite not commenting there for at least 6 months, maybe ever?

    Which is kind of the whole point of me blocking them

    Both have mods/admins that are very very opinionated about things. And they tend to refuse to let things go (much like OP or you making that sub)

    So if they see something they dont agree with, they’ll pre-emptively ban an account, because, and this is doubly important right here:

    It’s trolls feeding trolls drama in a big loop

    You making that sub, OP making this post…

    All you’re doing is encouraging them

    Can you really not understand?

    I’ll try and remember to come back and check if you respond, but I don’t get notifications from instances I’ve blocked.


    I was banned five days ago apparently for this comment from a year ago:


    Definitely not because I blocked that mod five days ago and they desperately found a way to “get back”.

    Great example of my point tho, silly instances like that there’s no point in fighting them, just block their instance and go about your life.