I’d like a way to disable all the various way too bright indicator lights.
I’d like a way to disable all the various way too bright indicator lights.
2000mL of water weighs 2kgs and 355mL weighs about 1/3kg.
To get my mind away from stupid imperial measures of weight, I think of bottles and cans of cola.
(Above is very approximate as sugar, packaging etc have weight. And conventional package size can vary by region.)
Epstein has been dead for years… what did his switch trigger?
Well there are various services that let you disclose info to certain people upon death. examples: https://www.pcmag.com/how-to/how-to-prepare-your-digital-life-accounts-for-your-death
So you could create those and send them to various journalists or whoever you think would be interested. Then ensure in your will that they are notified of your death. Will them a small object or something.
Tbh I think the concept of a dead man switch is fantasy. You always hear about them in place but then nothing happens when the person dies.
Has there EVER been a dead man switch that worked?
It’s been a while (2-3 years) since I looked into this but last time I did, the answer was a big old NO. I found all kinds of discussions of people thinking over this idea without success.
It must be possible. All the pieces are there, and they are Libre. They must simply be put put together. Yet many have asked after it without success. I do not know why it proves so difficult.
Will be happy to learn I am wrong. :)
Well for me personally if I am seeking an application to solve a problem and there are 2 comparable options which are on github, I will first try the one with more stars. Especially if there is a large discrepancy.
When I compare a github vs a non-github project I take into consideration that the other code forge has fewer users, and also I generally prefer devs who take the initiative to get off github. So I will usually give them a go unless the project is too incomplete/stale/inactive.
i think there is confusion if you mean clients or platforms
i think you meant to ask about platforms? as in lemmy, mastodon, friendica, peertube, misskey, akkoma, mbin, pleroma, gnusocial, ?threads?
Install TLDR pages from your package manager to get easy access to the most useful information
there are a lot of strong feelings about gnome but i have never taken the time to find out what or why
@comma@midwest.social This is an extremely thorough answer directly to your question. It even has the same xkcd comic in the conclusion!
My opinion: We really need to be supporting this stuff with tax money. Meantime give money to orgs that advocate for related causes to benefit all or distribute grants. EFF, FSF, Right 2 Repair, public and specialty libraries.
but sometimes i just want to be passive aggressive
I like hexbear.
Modding is a tough row to how.
generally a solid choice
you have a friend who uses it! big advantage
people who make memes about linux distros are in a lot deeper than you want to be. they have different goals.
I wonder if you’d be more interested in one of the other Linux Mint flavors: Cinnamon or MATE. here is screenshots of all 3 to compare: https://www.linuxmint.com/screenshots.php
KDE doesn’t come pre-loaded but you can install any DE on any distro. Here are KDE screenshots: https://kde.org/screenshots
Anyway have fun and good luck :)
will it go faster than xubuntu?
well IME when you reinstall it will usually go faster at first no matter what because you don’t have a lot of crap running to slow it down. but idk if it’ll go inherently faster.
because it doesn’t use any snap applications?
It’s been a while since I used xubuntu but are you required to use Snaps? Someone might correct me but it seems like you could just refrain from using them, no? I’ve never used snaps anywhere.
I believe on both xubuntu and Mint you can install software via Synaptic package manager.
will it have a modern ui?
it has XFCE4 as the desktop environment. Xubuntu also runs XFCE4 (that’s what the “x” stands for). They will have essentially the same UI. Any differences will just be in the theming, which you could just change the themes yourself without going to the trouble of reinstalling.
I personally like the retro feel of XFCE4. If you want something more “modern” you might like to try KDE. You can install that with Synaptic package manager on either xubuntu or Mint.
what will be the pros be for using linux mint xfce please?? over xubuntu
From my understanding, Mint is a bit better on the Libre side of things and is less likely to introduce proprietary stuff into your system.
My feeling is that they are substantially the same as each other.
Always make backups before making any major changes. :)
You sound like a realitiophobe.
I had a couple friends who were raised to only speak English at home because their parents wanted them to be fluent and native sounding. One of them, the parents only ever learned basic English so as a concequence it is difficult to communicate any complexity. And functionally no communication with extended family.
That’s a very old fashioned viewpoint and now we know extra languages dont ultimately prevent acquisition, although it can slow thing down a bit at first for an individual language.
I think knowing other languages at any level is only a good thing and kids can learn so much easier.