Thank you for your address Mr or Mrs Ambassador.
Thank you for your address Mr or Mrs Ambassador.
Don’t forget Justin Bieber Linux. Bebian.
Went to an Aussie bush doof as a teenager and had some Americans come smoke bongs with me at my camp site. They were dressed up as ninja turtles. After a while I realised one of them had his plums hanging out his shorts and they were painted green. Americans love taking things too far.
The problem is that mainstream media has less integrity now than it did 30 years ago. The national broadcaster in Australia for example has been infiltrated by right wing people (BTW I don’t want to get rid of ABC, just wish it was better). To cut through the propaganda, people need to acquire the skills to find their own media sources. Unfortunately that also means getting technical ability with computers now. Best thing I can think of is helping less adept people to navigate the space. Otherwise we end up with a much weaker democracy. Listening to C-SPAN callers in 2022-2024 scared the hell out of me and made me think Trump was gonna get voted back in. People stuck in legacy media space are getting brainwashed. I wish it was easier to curate RSS feeds for non-technical friends and family.
I think the idea of the male role is toxic bullshit. I was raised by a single mother and she did everything including protecting, providing and teaching good values. Women can so that shit just as well as men, gender doesn’t prohibit any of it.
Lol. Stay a while and listen was the first thing that came to my mind. Your soul shall fuel the hellforge.
Well AIDS was scary as fuck but Australia didn’t have to worry too much about the cold war. Life in the 80s was generally pretty cruisy.
It’s true. But I think the point is that more opportunities were available to that generation. For example, both my boomer parents grew up in poverty. Dad was an orphan. They moved to the city with no money and made careers for themselves. Housing was cheap. That’s not possible today without family wealth (in Australia at least). I’m a software engineer with an electrical engineering degree and I’ll never own a house or retire. They bought houses on public service wages without degrees.
I don’t have anything against OF or sex work, but I’ve always though that negative judgements against clients suggest a negative judgement against the service provider. If the act of providing the service is OK then surely the act of receiving the service is also morally sound? Unless the service provider has a morally ambivalent attitude to their own work? I say this as someone who had a long term partner doing sex work. Contempt for clients seems unfair and possibly hypocritical. Just people trying to satisfy a biological and emotional need.
Those balls ain’t right.
BTW, this is what an Aussie bush doof looks like. Music courtesy of Russian psychedelic boffins Kindzadza and Psykovsky.