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I’m a systems librarian in an academic library. I moved over the Lemmy after Rexxit 2023. I’ve had an account on since 2009 (under a different username), and so I chose this instance out of a sense of nostalgia. I do all sorts of fiber arts (knitting, cross stitch, sewing) and love dogs.
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TBH, I think Siegfried and Joy have elevated the trick to an art form. (Link is to a very short video example)
My aunt gave me a gift card as a housewarming present. I got glass leftover containers and I love them.
Would she use one of those little password-keeper books? It’s not as secure as a password manager, but it might help get her self-sufficient.
You could start not knowing how to do things, give slower answers, just give bad customer service. Or ask her if whatever she’s trying to do can wait until she gets home to get computer.
I know the feeling of wanting to help, it’s part of why I became a librarian. I also know the pain of old folks coming in and asking the same questions. I had one lady, really sweet, that would come in and ask for the phone numbers to maybe 3 businesses a day. Like, we’d show her how to look it up, we’d walk her through it on a public terminal, she’d still ask us again the next day. It gets frustrating and you pick your battles.
At least I could go home after a shift and stop being the tech-knower. It doesn’t sound like you get to and that sucks.
LPT: Pedialyte comes in freezer pops.
Ditto. SDF feels very nerdy and comfortable.
I sat down with my partner last night, to help him pick out an instance to join. He said he wasn’t unixy enough to feel at home on SDF.
I feel comfortable with his decision to join dbzer0. Folks from dbzer0 seem like good sorts, and somehow none of y’all have pissed me off enough to get added to my block list.
Ooh, new relationship energy can be intoxicating. Then once it wears off the other person loses their gloss and you realize they don’t like dogs and chew too loudly.
Yep, not everyone is for everyone and that’s a good thing. No sense in hiding that you’re someone who communicates in a not-for-everyone way.
Imagine it being the “guest” controller. Power move.
You don’t even have to go outside of English for examples. See: the pen/pin distinction in English: some speakers have it, some can hear it when I speak, and some can’t.
My shoulder critic is my mom. I’m working on evicting her from my brain, but yeah. It’s a thing.
I finally blocked my mom’s phone number earlier this month. It’s only taken me 7 years since she blew up at me in a way she couldn’t/wouldn’t take back.
It can be a slow journey and you might question it as you go, but it’s worthwhile. And more people than you might expect are estranged from their families. I used to worry that my IRL acquaintances and friends would judge me for it, but nope.
Thanks. I try my best to help.
My biggest bit of advice to people buying their elderly parents tech: pick an OS and stick to it. I’m tired of nice old ladies coming in with an iPhone and an Android tablet, looking for help. They’re fine with one or the other OS. Swapping confuses them.
I’m disappointed that Librarian isn’t on the list. We’re super trustworthy! Edit: some librarians might count as civil servants. I’m tbh not sure where that line is.
Chosen family > assigned family
That’s effectively what I had as an undergrad and it was lovely. Wednesdays were (mostly) reserved for labs, so if you weren’t taking chemistry or another class with a lab, you had Wednesdays to sleep in. I rather miss that.
I’m out of the loop. Could someone please explain like I’m a 5 year old that knows just enough Linux to be dangerous?
TBH, I’m not convinced regular Spam is trying to act like meat. Sometimes people just want a hunk of spiced protein.
Online glasses places are pretty cheap and good quality, if you know your pupillary distance and your prescription isn’t complicated. ⭐Encouragement⭐