Tony Hawk
Tony Hawk
My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me 😭
Yes, it also leads to people like me feeling like they need to go down a rabbit hole for 5 hours before they’re “allowed” to ask. Then, upon finally asking, they come to find out the answer was quick and simple and they could have saved many hours.
This is such a problem for me. Hot damn do I envy people who don’t let the fear of seeming stupid keep them from just asking the damn question.
I hate even more that everyone somehow believes them, just because they’ve said it enough times.
Uh, of course it’s not that great–but that doesn’t mean it isn’t better or we want to go backwards to when it was worse.
Nah, that’s not really a thing, not sure where you read that?
Source: in Texas (unfortunately.)
I’ve never tried this, but advice I’ve seen online is if your doctor won’t order testing, ask them to note in your chart that they are declining testing. Apparently the implicit threat of a lawsuit if they’re wrong is enough to kick at least some of them into CYA mode.
He famously doesn’t date women who are older than 25. Someone on reddit made a great infographic if you want to google it.