omg that makes him literally Hitler 🫨
<a rel="me" href="https://layer8.space/@helix">Mastodon</a>
omg that makes him literally Hitler 🫨
Just think faster. No shit. Practice stakkato arguments with your friends.
Your MOM!
13 of my 18 friends I found when I was 30-35… My dad made the same experience in his 50s. Friends come and go. It’s rather unusual to get to the end of your life with the same friends you had in school.
Watch out to enable “keep on delete” features. I didn’t do that and didn’t see that gigabytes of personal photos got deleted which I had to recover from an old backup. Still don’t know how it happened as I only found out a few weeks after the fact.
Sync is not backup! If there’s a software bug or a wrong setting sync can delete your files. Syncthing is pretty mature so I doubt this was a Syncthing bug, however you shouldn’t only trust Syncthing. I’m doing btrfs snapshots weekly and delete them after three years for important folders nowadays.
Who has time for that?
Maybe some of the women were also not trackable anymore because they changed their surname, in contrast to them not publishing anymore. Didn’t read all of it, did they account for that?
Damn, came here to recommend this and Chili Sin Carne.
What’s wrong with Krita and Inkscape? Be sure to always use vectors for icon designs, you can raster them afterwards.
Chipolo. Small company but it works. Doesn’t really help you find stolen stuff but you can be notified and the things can beep loudly if they are distanced from you.
It helps me find my keys and not forget anything when I leave the house. I guess they already paid for themselves by reducing the time I spend backtracking.
They also have an airtag compatible version.
Or a very very old database system, possibly DB2, where you can’t change the column limits or data types after the fact.
That’s what they want you to believe.
Fairphone Fairbuds.
Came to recommend Loop. also works for hydration reminders, housework reminders and general self improvement.
That’s the point isn’t it?