Yeah, sounds like something a draft dodger would say.
Yeah, sounds like something a draft dodger would say.
And one of them lived after jumping on the grenade.
That would still be processed food. Ultra processed foods have additives like preservatives, coloring, and flavoring that you can’t typically buy off the shelf on their own. Frying is just another way to cook food, doesn’t make it organic or healthy.
The actual term is ultra processed. Anything that requires industrial level machinery to make or industrial ingredients are ultra processed.
This podcast episode goes into great detail about the subject.
Probably depends on state. I went to high school in Washington state, just about a decade ago, and we were taught SI units in most science classes. Unit conversion was almost always one of the first lessons we had. Chemistry specifically made us learn sig figs, which is much easier to use with SI units, and made me wish we used them everywhere.
Except that it has been replaced, or is not the preferred unit for trade and commerce. The SI has been the “preferred system of weights and measures for United States trade and commerce” since 1975 according to United States law. Too bad most other Americans are too scared of change to use it everywhere else.
I run Linux with wine and if I make a Windows VM I’ll still use MAS and other tools to strip out Microsofts bloatwear. If you don’t like OneDrive so much then why even bother paying Microsoft for the trash heap that is Windows? There’s more than just OneDrive stealing your data.
If Microsoft really cared they’d pull a Nintendo and have GitHub nuke their repo.
I’m not sure exactly how it works. I haven’t used it in a while now. It has several different options to activate, including hardware id or setting up a local KMS server. I only ever had to use it one time, per windows install, and it would keep windows activated. It also has a tool to switch windows versions, i.e. home to pro. It is fully open source and their wiki goes into more detail.
No need. Use Microsoft activation scripts.
Well hate speech is free speech too. Schools don’t want to foster that behavior and so they can make and enforce policies to create the learning environment that they want. Also your argument works for bringing guns into schools too. The second amendment is above those school policies too.