Or in this case, eugenics comics week.
Or in this case, eugenics comics week.
Yup! The fact that it is defined as “illegal” allows goons to storm your house and court troll to harrass you.
Thus everything they say is true, in some way…
PPN! (pp network?)
Countries are defined by land-hoarding class, because the nomadic people define themselves by their group instead of the land on which they live.
Without hoarders (landlords), we wouldn’t need to put as much effort towards regulating land use, instead we could focus on regulating behaviours. Ex: “this land is a national park, you are not allowed to trash it. Go next door, there you are allowed to pour the trash from your industrial process into the ground, because it’s your private land”
Although I never took the time to check myself, I heard multiple reports about how streaming music has crappy dynamic range, and that the same song on CD or ripped vinyl always has much better range.
It would be my main reason to use the scenes…
I’d like all ai service to publish the energy used in training the model and performing inference.
“Queries uses an average of X kWh of power. A model training run requires X MWh, and the development of this model over the years required X TWh of power.”
Then we could judge companies by that metric. Off course, rich people would look for the most power-draining model for the sake of it.
They started with musical instruments. First one should have been " i guess we’re doing engines now"
Fill your head with quantum physics, there won’t be any room for other thoughts and you’ll be happy.
I hope they have microscopes near the tank
Hehe, I’ll have a read on that thread.
Yeah, that makes sense. It’s not so much that they are labeled weird, but that they are shocked thinking they were not…
Yup. A lot of feelings are unnecessary yet are there anyway for us to deal with them.
Nice, that makes sense. I’ll keep using weird.
Plot twist: Bones’ official full name is actually “James Bones”, but he doesn’t know.
Asus Zenfone are nice as well
I don’t know about unbound so I can’t really compare… OpenNic is not run by for-profit corporations, which I think is a good thing.
Taylor made hoodie…