Nobara. But I’ve had them work on nobara before
Fitgirl installers just crash on me 🤷♂️
Okular, comes with Linux
Not together - married but separated.
I straight up don’t believe you.
When the joke is “women be gold diggin’”, the joke was ruined from the start
Uh, your ideas about where you’d find socialism are a bit backwards
You’re conflating the terms “socialism” and “democratic socialism”.
An actually ideologically socialist government wouldn’t have made them feel the need to flee, and would have done better picking up the pieces
That is literally placing the blame on the woman
“If she weren’t such a gold digger, she’d want me”
The whole, “they want the wrong thing” is incredibly common in incels.
A detailed summary of successful anarchist organisation throughout history.
Ancoms have definitely gotten shit done, you just sound salty tbh
It’s not very enlightened to call entire movements like libertarian socialism (AKA anarchism) just idealist, ineffectual, and to imply they’re essentially brainwashed by the US government.
Anti-state movements have a history as long and storied as socialism, and theoretical frameworks for their beliefs far more complex than you give them credit for.
The word “incel” might not have been coined yet, but at this point, “incel” basically just describes “man who blames women for his inability to attract them”, and that’s definitely nothing new
I have a much easier time using REAPER rather than Ardour.