Imagine calling a non dairy liquid “milk” prior to ten years ago, not conceivable
Coconut milk, milk of magnesium, soy milk? Made up woke nonsense
Imagine calling a non dairy liquid “milk” prior to ten years ago, not conceivable
Coconut milk, milk of magnesium, soy milk? Made up woke nonsense
don’t worry it’s not sexist, i give my unsolicited opinions to everyone everywhere at every opportunity
I got a PS Vita a while back and it’s a fun device, especially set up for homebrew, but it’s super uncomfortable to use for more than a few minutes at a time
Little inputs all over it and nothing to hold on to, I had to get a controller shaped thing to clip it into just to stop my hands cramping up, the bigger devices like the steam deck are a lot more comfortable in comparison
Hey, glad you want to be a considerate, conscientious vegan! You won’t upset anyone as long as you follow these simple rules:
That’s about all you need to know to be one of the Good Vegans. Hope this helps!
I reject the premise of your question.
Imagine being so devoid of soul and spirit you turn your OS into kubernetes
Graphics cards totally scream when they die too, the smell warns their symbiotic sysadmins to turn off the power
And don’t even get me started on how chalkboards scream when you scratch them, why do vegans not talk about this cruelty
Weird how every time veganism comes up everyone is suddenly deathly allergic to anything that doesn’t scream when it dies
Tribalism is fun
Am I not reading your question right? Just quote the variable and filenames with spaces work fine.
for i in *; do
cat "$i" ;
Shame that they gave in to the haters, single click is great. Far more intuitive too, as you’d immediately tell if you ever had to guide your parents around a computer constantly reminding them in which arbitrary situation you’re meant to double click and in which to single click.