Cook the bolognese…
FHF/LW Operations Manager
Cook the bolognese…
Or just run it in a Windows VM and save yourself a ton of grief? Win10 LTSC works just fine.
10000000000000% this
Good on everyone here for making it to the weekend in one piece ❤️❤️❤️
That’s how you get slapped in the face by someone’s nona.
The issue is with pushing updates. Eget is nice, but it doesn’t push updates.
I was going be a smart ass and make the “I use Arch joke”… But if you can use .debs on Arch, that’s kind of neat.
Waterfox will too. Big fan of it.
I smile every time I see this. Really brightens my day ❤️
You can also setup a little linktree page and just have all your profiles link to that so you don’t have to update 10000 links on every profile.
I feel personally attacked 😭
Straw Hat gang rise up!
Donde es el bibliotecha?
KeepassXC + KeepassDX
Oh man, I miss that shit so much heh heh
I wish LibreWolf was on Android. Waterfox is nice though.
Ya got me…