- Forgot scan app with virus total
- Investigate if hits are false positives
- Get frustrated and run exe any way
Agree 100%. My guess is that removing software from a device you don’t own without the owner’s permission is illegal in Europe. I believe Microsoft got in trouble for removing 3rd party antivirus.
It’s not Google’s search buisness that LaLiga is going after it’s the cell phone side. LaLiga claims Google and Huawei benefited by refusing to disable the newplay app on their phones.
Containers become problematic, some don’t have man pages or other common commands installed. Debugging applications on them requires a wide knowledge of all sorts of primitive commands and workarounds to achieve common tasks. My biggest fear is a container without grep.
LibreELEC made it simple.
Why you angry bro? Now you know that there is a cheap and easy way for you to watch sponge bob with out your tv knowing that you have a thing for the girl squirrel.
A rasburry pi 4.
Did you know you can connect an external device to your television and get Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, paramount, NFL, plex, youtube etc.
You might consider contacting your local news, the mix ups are cleared up real quick once public shaming is involved.
This is not an accurate depiction. All those parts look like they will fit out of the box and all the parts are there.
You don’t use solid carbide drill bits with a hand drill but with mills and cnc machines.
The company I worked for made tungsten nozzles, they had to be welded using atomic hydrogen welding. One day a bottle of hydrogen shows up and receiving rejected it, we had the supplier label it protium and it went right through.
Rocket nozzles are commonly made of tungsten, there are more than a few manufacturers in the US. Drill bits can be made of tungsten carbide. Armor piercing weapons use tungsten too. All of these have industries in the US.
XP had a bunch of problems early on, just like 8. The hate for 8 was mostly because of ui changes. Me and 95 were irredeemably bad.
Microsoft is due a terrible release, 7, 8, & 10 were all above average.
I exclusively use teams on the web on Rocky. Firefox, Chrome, and edge all work for me.
Meth dealers are probably the highest violators of the 4th crack commandment.
Security may be more likely to approve some users having doas, sudo is a no go in many restricted environment.
The best part of the Gitlab UI is when it gets upgraded and you have to relearn how to find everything.