I guess they’ll use JSON when they’re building the database to do the next holocaust.
I guess they’ll use JSON when they’re building the database to do the next holocaust.
Ford was a literal Nazi sympathiser as well. I don’t think there’s an ‘ethical’ car you can buy.
Next they’ll tie AOC to this because she played Among Us on Twitch once.
The ban on cursing is from the 10 commandments, basically, “don’t take God’s name in vain” got expanded to every type of cursing, not just the ones that had God in them.
And the parents of him that was dead came unto Joseph, and blamed him, saying: Thou that hast such a child canst not dwell with us in the village: or do thou teach him to bless and not to curse: for he slayeth our children.
Damn, the justice system back then was way more forgiving.
That’s all correct and everything, but you do get that this was just a stupid pun, right?
This Guy Fawkes.
Yes, of course.
The CEO of Medica should probably stay away from sidewalks in front of hotels.
I personally wouldn’t mind algorithmic recommendations if:
Discovery is important when you’re initially signing up, but once you found the people you want to follow, you don’t really need it any more. It should just be there to help new users, essentially. As long as it’s open source and not run for profit, there’s not the traditional incentive to keep your eyeballs on the app like we see with the other networks.
Those are rookie numbers, you’ve got to pump those up.
From doing dishes and stuff like that.
Or they could use a distro that’s already been created by a European vendor, maybe even create a competitive tender. There’s no point in creating a new distro, add a new repository if you must.
K-9 is probably an Android only client? They’d have to either find an open source iOS app to build on, or build a new one from scratch.
Thunderbird is finally out of beta so you can get it through the play store or F-Droid. K-9 itself was also updated so it’s now basically a K-9 branded version of Thunderbird.
Isn’t this part of the auto configuration stuff? Basically there’s a standard where you can add some DNS records to your domain and/or a standard file on your website so e-mail clients can automatically prepopulate all the email settings so you only need to worry about entering your email and password.
The famously leftist NYPD.
It was already a challenge back in those days. I ran the Nokia N9 for a while, and within a year it went from being amazing at messaging due to its messaging app mixing different XMPP providers in one interface (Google Talk, Facebook Messenger, SMS, etc in a single interface) to everyone in the industry suddenly giving up on that and only supporting in-app messaging.
There were valiant attempts to create open source versions of popular apps, but those efforts were always intentionally sabotaged by those providers.
I’m pretty sure it’s an issue on F-Droid’s end, as it’s always a few days behind for all my other apps that get released on the play store as well. IIRC they have a release process that involves them compiling the packages that takes a while to run.
It’s still using the lesser of 3 evils, we need a fourth human readable data interchange format.