But these are also the types of intrusive thoughts I can get behind.
But these are also the types of intrusive thoughts I can get behind.
Maggot Assistant at EarthCorp
I think in the city where everything happened she is still kinda famous and even some diary-brand is named like her. Also heard she has a statue somewhere in Wuppertal.
Cat hates you.
He finally got them cigarettes, was trying to return.
Hey, that’s me. I wish so hard for some state inbetween exhausted pigeon and stressed out possum/racoon.
Great, now I have a scenario in my head where one early human delivers a punch and dies of having not the right hands and the other dies because no chin. Also: Imagine our fists if there had been more habsburgs.
I didn’t know he had a “name”. Funny. :-D
I am underpaid
Also featuring angry people because of a possible increase in price for meat/dairy.
Grant Snyder comics are all so damn nice. They have something so soft and observing, I really love them.
Tried to find hints that SS Deathstar Supergalactic is parody. Found none. Help :(
Yeah, already corrected it. Morning Rush.
Not metal generally, but you should look into Death Metal. It’s a real problem there… :-/
The face of someone who is bad at dart.
I simply refuse to acknowledge that.