I float through physical thoughts. I stare down the abyss of organic dreams.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I like it, but haven’t played more than a few hours.

    The voice acting and (most) character faces feel insanely dated, though. Fantasy just comes off weird in an American accent.

    The game runs poorly and doesn’t really look and feel that great considering the processing cost, but that’s just Unreal Engine 5 being shit.

    Those are my biggest complaints.

    Combat is pretty engaging and I think it’s pretty cool, but it can be kind of health-spongey. Feels like it needs some work to feel better and more fluid.

    The story seems okay, although I haven’t gotten far. Kind of generic fantasy akin to Divinity Original Sin 2/Baldur’s Gate 3 or Pillars of Eternity (duh).

    Honestly, I like that it’s not just another murder hobo simulator and has a bit more focused story.

    It’s a pretty solid 6-7/10, which is fine. Maybe it’ll grow on me, but there’s no chance of it becoming another Cyberpunk 2077.

    Hopefully they learned from making this and The Outer Worlds 2 is a lot better than the first one.

  • As said by others; see a physician, then a psychiatrist (in that order).

    Auditory pseudo-hallucinations may be completely benign, especially if you’ve partaken in psychedelic substances recent or long since past, but they may also be an early warning sign of (like you said) potential pressure on the brain or abnormality in brain functioning.

    And even that might be fine.

    Either way, why gamble? Go see a doctor.