Check the usage of your disk. Might be disk is under lots of usage or is unhealthy
Check the usage of your disk. Might be disk is under lots of usage or is unhealthy
Imagine being able to install Arch but not a browser for it… Can only mean one thing: Spongeboy messed up his network stack
It doesn’t have fuck all to do w/ privacy, that’s for sure
How… How would they get the drive? Would n that need access to your computer? I imagine at that point they could turn it on first and copy your data that way, no?
We all wish that were true
You still believe boycotts work and are describing them and doing that thing where you make up something in youhr head without any proof. I.e., boycotts working in gaming
So if boycotts don’t work, what can the consumer do? Just not play the game at all? Even if the developer put effort in, and its a labor of love, but the publisher forced mtx in anyway? Like, what if the game is good and boycotts don’t work? What’s gonna stop greedy publishers?
You really think boycotts work? Is that for real? Do you have evidence? Like any example, at all, of boycotts working in gaming?
I love the “blame the consumer” mindset so much! It always leads to change and reform
We all become MacroHard
No we are dogs in gods hot car