Another benefit of working from home.
Groklaw was a force of goodness
Crowdstrike exists for Linux. Are their reports their update affected Linux servers? I have not read that anywhere.
Naw, humanity needs to waste more electricity.
Who doesn’t love fishing in Quebec?
Jim Steranko art style was unique.
Nick Fury wasn’t always a black character.
User experience approaching something like the Clockwork Orange - Movie Theatre Scene, with eyes forced open to watch horror with Beethoven music in the back ground.
No. A lot of his followers think he is not convicted. That’s a shame jury. A lot still think he is president and didn’t loose to Joe Biden. The most damning truths about him have been pushed aside and ignored.
Use rsync -avs to move files from NTFS to your new filesystem. XFS is pretty good for lots of files.
You make me WinCE
Groklaw still around? It has tons of anti trust details archived.
“Not hot dog”