ask specific questions in an email
5 minutes later
“I wanted to call to discuss the email”
Fuck. Off.
ask specific questions in an email
5 minutes later
“I wanted to call to discuss the email”
Fuck. Off.
Probably just not very nice and self absorbed
I thought tumblr was where ppl who think they are funny or clever go to add captions to things that are actually funny, and make them less funny through their stupid caption or commentary
Sometimes it’s Grain liquor and slim jims (happiest expression)
But if you get t-boned then your journey is finished immediately
Learn to moisturise goddamnit
Why is Spotify’s shuffle so abysmally awful? It’s nigh on useless
Yeah, I’d agree, and why I hope AGI is a thing soon, so the AI(s) can take over managing us.
The problem I had with Vinge’s Sky series is that the first book is so, so amazing. Like wonderfully amazing concepts that I wanted to read all about, so I immediately went and read the other 2.
Book 2 is ok but crap compared to book 1.
And book 3 sucks.
Neither book 2 or 3 explore any of the interesting concepts from A Fire Upon The Deep, and I wanted so, so much more, and it just left me deeply disappointed.