An estimated 11,000 die from exhaust pollution and 20,000 hospitilisaed from cars now , that’s ignoring 1000’s of direct deaths and injuries.
I doubt most people really give a shit about micro plastics from tyres and participates from brakes, they’d ratier 10s of thousands die then ride a bicycle and catch a train.
>Traffic pollution likely causes more than 11,000 premature deaths in Australia a year, new modelling by climate researchers has revealed
>The grave estimate from the study means that death from air pollution in Australia is 10 times more likely than a fatal road accident.
>But Nicolaou said it was difficult to see how making Sydney a predominantly walking city would benefit businesses such as retailers."
It’s bemusing to me to see people articulate thier own stupidity so willingly in public. A lack of imagination to easily see how things could be much better by those who hold some sway seems to be the real impedient to making the changes needed.
@fuck_cars @kim_harding