Realizing you want to improve is the first step to growing into a better person!
Don’t leave the rest of us in suspense; should we be using APIs???
I think the best possible response to a question like this is just to say “yes”, and refuse to elaborate further.
I’m sorry, but I just wanted to say that being charged $16k for emergency medical attention doesn’t sound like a mistake on your part.
Valve is asymptotically approaching episode three. Always getting closer, but never quite reaching it.
The Dutch coming in clutch with sensible laws once again!
My first thought on seeing this was “I wonder what ENB preset that is?”
One of the things I thought was neat when I visited Japan was that some places would give you change back in a dedicated little tray with rubber “fingers” that made the coins easier to pick up, so you didn’t struggle to pick them off a flat counter.
Nintendo be like “emulation is only OK when we do it”
Easy Mode: Amish Paradise
Hard Mode: Shia LaBeouf