in their minds they already *had *planned obsolescence, until emulation took it away from them.
in their minds they already *had *planned obsolescence, until emulation took it away from them.
So glad they patched this one. Everyone should get a chance to play this game; it still holds up.
lucky for us, we aren’t running out of jumps.
(movie trailer music starts) in a world… where online commenters… don’t read articles… ONE HERO… challenges EVERYONE… to do the unTHINKable… (movie trailer music stops)
How night and day work above the Arctic Circle.
Movies and TV and stories talk about how there’s 6 months of daylight and 6 months of darkness. That does not fucking happen. This is still part of storytelling to this day (I’m looking at you, Sweet Tooth season 3).
Days get stupidly long in the summer, and there’s a while where the sun really doesn’t go down. in the Winter days get stupidly short, and there’s a while where it doesn’t really come up all that much. But it’s not 6 months of one and 6 months of the other.
(edited for clarity)
yeah but a script that sucks the balls of an executive is far more likely to be greenlit.
is it Saturday already?
Orwell didn’t know he was also writing about the Entertainment-Industrial Complex.
the current U.S. Supreme Court wouldn’t give you democracy, even though the American military has killed tens of thousands of people around the world in its name.
All for the low low price of most of your money, most of your spare time, and most of “the best years of your life”
wow, hold me back.
From Jeff
It stands for American/Sign/Language
needs more Webring
and the Unreal engine which gave us I don’t have any idea how many but just a staggering number. Both solid games on their own, but long-term the engines were the real rock stars
it’s one key over, is it really swear-word level different?
when I hear “hiding behind covers”
Operation Blanket Fort
As usual, George Carlin should be the go-to for matters of language
I see that someone wrote their thesis on it.
Dads are the best