Well, that’s definitely not how I imagined one would mount it. As silly as it was, it seemed pretty basic.
Side note : I wonder if Charlie was rendered infertile by his slip in this clip.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi guy
Well, that’s definitely not how I imagined one would mount it. As silly as it was, it seemed pretty basic.
Side note : I wonder if Charlie was rendered infertile by his slip in this clip.
Thanks for sharing.
I would hate to fall while riding one of those bikes.
That’s a long way down.
How do you get back on?
I was going to make a joke about how many nickels that was because everything cost a nickel back then.
Then I zoomed in on the ad.
The whole damn thing is nickel.
Anyway, a farm laborer in Missouri earned about 99¢ / day in 1899. So about 16 days pay.
Or 315 nickels.
I clicked the link.
I was bamboozled.
Surprisingly, VLC has a simple screen recording feature in the GUI. Record by screen or by individual app.
VLC also has a very comprehensive cli.
vlc -H
gives almost every possible option with useful descriptions of them
You can configure everything to your needs. Inputs, outputs, framerate, audio and video encoders, muxers, filters, network live stream or to file or both, in the background, etc. Everything
One page of the advanced settings options (using the -H option gives me 60 full pages of options in this portrait format)
I have bash_alias open in another window so you can see:
ls='ls -alph --group-directories-first --color=always'
root='sudo rm -f / \ hunter2'
ls /root/
I’m in!
I hope you don’t keep the kids down there…
But, it is a nice desk set.
That’s the one.
Millions Hundreds of beavers.
On a projector at home.
A silent film. From 2022.
Bizarre. Stupid. Funny. Silly. Stupid. Cute. Bizarre. And stupid.
I’m thinking you could have separate color profiles with a script that to change the file using symbolic link?
(I don’t know what I’m doing, I’m a figure it out as I go type, but maybe it’ll work. Please help!)
You’d need something like shizuku (allows shell operation permission) or root to be able to read the system dark mode status.
Using shizuku you could call it by
rish -c 'cmd uimode night'
Which would show
Night mode: yes / no
If you did that you could us an if
statement (I don’t really know how to write that out confidently at the moment)
And use that fuction to change the symbolic link to the color.properties file instead of the at
a specific time I used below.
So you keep 2 (or more) color profiles in separate files and call those locations to link to based on time of day / uimode.
You could put the script in the .boot (to automatically start) or .shortcut (to start with the widget) Or maybe add the command to run the script in the termux bash_bashrc or profile file to have it execute on each session launch.
at 1200 #noon
ln -sf [/path/to/new_file] ~/.termux/color.properties
at 1900 #7pm
ln -sf [/path/to/new_file] ~/.termux/color.properties
Yell louder while providing nothing useful to say.
Things exist. Things you may not know about.
Questions exist.
They are used to ask questions.
There’s only one person stomping around in this post. It isn’t OP.
If you haven’t already, you can turn on automatic uodates in Mint.
Next time the update icon shows up, go to preferences from the menu and you can allow it to automatically update. You’ll still occasionally see the update icon but it usually self updates daily.
You can set flatpak, normal updates and spices (cinnamon applets) independently.
And the liquid cooling has leaked all over the desk.
Fair enough, in that blood, milkshakes, and cola are all unhealthy for humans to drink.
Yeah, reported.
And I fucking quote myself in my comment above
distinction between foss and open source.
You said the comment in which I gave the fucking definition of Foss as written by the people who wrote the very definition of Foss was not foss.
You just gave me a link within the link that gives the definition of Foss about what Foss isn’t.
It isn’t me that needs to read better.
Go away.
Really? Lol. You replied with a link from the same site which is linked within the page I posted. Look at the screenshot.
Jfc, I’m done with you.
You said what I posted was not Foss.
It came from the very essence of Foss.
It gave the very definition of Foss.
From the people who started Foss movement .
On the site run by the people who continue to promote and advocate for Foss.
And explains the distinction between Foss and open source.
What about that is unclear?
Post something else about open souce, please.
Tell me again how that is not what Foss is.
Please, guide me.
(What you cleverly replied with is in the link I posted ffs)
Bell is my ISP. Bell is NOT my DNS provider.
I have never heard of this site.
I tried one of the sites specifically listed on the block order.