My musics are organized by metadata, playlists AND folders. I currently got about 1980+ songs locally, and felt like I needed all of these methods to keep them organized and good looking
Brazilian 🇧🇷 he/him
FOSS and art enthusiast, chilling in the fediverse.
Also me in the fediverse 😌
My musics are organized by metadata, playlists AND folders. I currently got about 1980+ songs locally, and felt like I needed all of these methods to keep them organized and good looking
I really enjoyed Elisa too! It looks modern and does a great job at showing off metadata 😁
But I still sticked with Rhythmbox because of: 1- it’s GTK based, and I’m currently on Gnome (the reason why when using KDE, I stick with Elisa) 2- I kinda did not understand how managing playlist in Elisa works? Maybe I missed something, but Rhythmbox just seemed more simple and direct to the point with that.
But yeah, I do agree with you that Rhythmbox really lacks in the “showing album covers off” space. But in my personal usage, I don’t tend to be looking at the UI of the music player on the desktop anyway, since I usually just play music on the background while doing other stuff.
On mobile (android) on the other hand, I’m enjoying Gramophone for not only showing larger covers, but also matching it’s own Material You colors to the respective music you’re playing, it’s neat :p
So I can have less windows open and cluttered, I like to keep my desktop minimal… And thx for the tip!
Never heard of it, but looks like a cool project!
I’m happy with just reading lyrics on the browser lol
Thanks for the tip 😁 Where did you get Tauon from? The AUR? There is an official flatpak release, which I presume would be more stable.
Just out of curiosity, what advantages do you think cli apps have for this sort of application? Is the experience snappier?
I personally would like the album cover to be a bit larger
actually, it’s the contrary for me! 😆 I’m currently trying to find a way to make Rhythmbox behave just like that: keep playing even when the UI is closed
is there any alternative that works for you out of the box?
I enjoyed it at first, but it was too simple for my personal use. What it lacked the most for me was a playlist management, I didn’t find any option for that feature
the UI kinda looks like a QT based Rhythmbox. I’ll give it a try later 😀
About NVIDIA: yeah, Nvidia on Linux is a big, big mess. Things are improving but it’s still a pain in the ass sometimes. Maybe some of your issues could be solved by changing to another Desktop Enviroment.
About Bluetooth: I don’t know how recent your hardware is, but maybe changing to a newer kernel (preferably a more up to date Distro, like Fedora) would solve it.
About Compatibility: I don’t know what controllers you are using. I personally had issues with Xbox Wireless Controller drivers, and after some searching I easily fixed it with xpadneo, maybe that could help.
Mint is usually a great distro for beginners, BUT it sometimes sacrifices shiny new updates for stability (which is a good feature of Mint), that’s why I recommend you to try Fedora. Good luck with your Linux adventure 😃
Canonical deserves most of the critics they get.
Ubuntu users on the other hand don’t deserve even the slight amount of critic they get for just… Using Ubuntu. like, at least they use Linux, we should be encouraging them to keep using it.
Thanks for the resources, it’s definitely very weird and kind of a bummer since I used to enjoy that software very much 🫤 Already edited my original comment.
Just looked a bit into the issue, and it’s surely weird… Thanks for informing! Already edited my original comment
Except on Linux you’re not obligated to use GNOME, with it being simply a choice between many, and that just so happens to fit into it’s users specific needs. It sure has it’s issue like any DE has, and if it bothers you then you’re completely free to use whatever else you want, that’s the beauty of open source.
About Gnome and KDE, they are simply different Desktop Enviroments (DE).On Linux, DE’s are a software category, much like how browsers are a category with many different alternatives (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, …) on Linux we got DE’s such as: Gnome (a more tablet-like DE. You either love it or hate it) KDE Plasma (by default it’s windows-like, but it is very customizeable but can be kinda overwhelming to some) Cinnamon (the one that comes with Mint, very simple, very light, very user friendly and has a familiar layout for Windows users) And many more, Cosmic, Pantheon, XFCE, Sway and so on…
Mint is the best distro for the average user who doesnt want to tinker with their OS or doesnt want to waste time fixing issues.
IF Mint doesnt go well with your laptop, I would try out Fedora, which is more up to date with stuff and also very user friendly choose Fedora Workstation if you’re feeling adventurous. choose Fedora KDE if you want a Windows like experience.
my brain hurts