That, and winter tires. The amount of people I know who don’t bother getting winter tires because “it’s not required by law” is infuriatingly high.
That, and winter tires. The amount of people I know who don’t bother getting winter tires because “it’s not required by law” is infuriatingly high.
Gestures at a car that did barrel rolls at a 4-way stop with a speed limit of 50km/h with 1 inch of snow on the ground.
Yeah. Sure thing.
Every time I see non-tech people talk about Bluesky vs Mastodon, they talk about how awful the user experience is on Mastodon, and how it’s been an issue for years and they keep ignoring it, so people just go to Bluesky instead.
It definitely feels like a “Us tech folk who care about the tech love it, we don’t mind the user experience as long as the tech is here” vs the “I just want the same thing I have over here, the tech aspect could not be any less relevant to my choice of platform” kind of issue.
Might be a case where Canadian applicants submit another form that has the relevant information in a different format too.
Not to be that guy who defends Ubisoft (God knows I haven’t bought one of their games in ages), but that quote from the CEO is taken way out of context.
He was directly asked what would need to happen for game streaming to take off, and he responded with “players would need to get used to no longer owning their games”, which is pretty much true as far as answers to that question go.
I think “common” here would refer to having to produce them, over the actual explicitness of the scene. Whether Mass Effect fades to black or not isn’t really the point when the voice actors still have to record the lines that play while the screen is dark.
Yeah, what they’re asking for is pretty standard stuff in other media. A friend of mine is an actor who played a scene where he had to shoot a masturbation scene. He was alone in a room with like 3-4 people: sound guy, camera guy, director, and I think the intimacy coach was there too.
Having a whole team watch you pretend to have sex is not okay, what the hell.
Same. Elden Ring’s biggest weakness is its open world, in my opinion. It makes the first playthrough great, but it makes subsequent playthroughs a chore. Especially when you’re aware that 90% of dungeons/side areas have completely worthless gear and runes. Your subsequent runs just end up being you riding Torrent for long stretches of time from point A to point B.
If your comic is rated mature, or if the user is using a known VPN IP address, Webtoons will require a login.
Depends on the features.
Git has some counterintuitive commands for some commands you may want to do when you want to quickly do something. Being able to click a button and have the IDE remember the syntax for you is nice.
Some IDEs have extra non-native Git features like have inlined “git blame” outputs as you edit (easily see a commit message per-line, see who changed what, etc.), better diff/merge tooling (JetBrain’s merge tool comes to mind), being able to revert parts of the file instead of the whole file, etc.
the git integration in vscode which I discarded after few attempts to use
I’m going to be honest, I don’t really like VS Code’s Git integration either. I find it clunky and opinionated with shitty opinions.
Probably wanted to bring it in line with the other perfumes. Rolling Sparks was completely busted lmao
We’re eating good in 2024!
Doo doo, doo doo doo doo doo doo, rii tii tii tiiiii
Hear me out: What if they took the DMs and made NFTs out of them?
I can finally share my side of the story now that Twitch employees have come forward. You see, all I did was indulge in a little bit of grooming. One might even say it was a minor case of grooming.
Anyways, I’m not a pedo.
Doc out!
I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure Nvidia has patched them into the GTX series, they’re just really slow compared to RTX cards.
You don’t have to save your files to Adobe cloud, if that’s what you mean. It does check for a valid license occasionally, but I’ve used Photoshop when my internet was out without any problems in the past.
“Instructions” is probably the wrong word here (I was mostly trying to dumb it down for people who aren’t familiar with graphics rendering terminology).
Here’s a link to the Digital Foundry video I was talking about (didn’t realized they made like 5 videos for Alan Wake 2, took a bit to find it).
The big thing, in Alan Wake 2’s case, is that it uses Mesh Shaders. The video I linked above goes into it at around the 3:38 mark.
AMD has a pretty detailed article on how they work here.
This /r/GameDev post here has some devs explaining why it’s useful in a more accessible manner.
The idea is that it allows offloading more work to the GPU in ways that are much better performance-wise. It just requires that the hardware actually support it, which is why you basically need an RTX card for Alan Wake 2 (or whichever AMD GPU supports Mesh Shaders, I’m not as familiar with their cards).
There’s kind of a difference between “we scraped the internet and decided to use copyrighted content anyways because we decided to interpret copyright law as not being applicable to the content we generate using copyrighted content” (omegalul) and “we explicitly agreed to a legally-binding contract with Apple stating we won’t do that”.
Camera pans down
His crotch is polished bronze.