Dead Hand fucked me up in 1998. I don’t think I’ve been quite right since.
Dead Hand fucked me up in 1998. I don’t think I’ve been quite right since.
Hope y’all like avant garde blackened death jazz.
Bullshit, that’s some shwag. Hit me up, I got that cage free.
More often than not when I mention Lemmy to someone, it’s after they’ve told me about something they saw on reddit and their reply is invariably, “what the fuck is Lemmy?”
Must be nice.
Are you insinuating that I’m a baby because I believe that mothers and fathers both deserve the same level of accomodation in regards to caring for their children in public spaces? I sure hope that’s not what you’re insinuating, because that would make you a cunt. You don’t want to be a cunt, do you?
I’ve been known to go into the women’s room to change a diaper when the men’s room doesn’t have a changing table. It doesn’t happen often, but it’s supremely irritating to me as a dad.
Counterpoint: yes.
Annoying sounds should be the least of your worries about Roblox. That game is a cess pool of porn and Nazi shit. My kids aren’t allowed to know it exists, let alone play it.
That erases any fun there is to be had. I want them to know it.
The language barrier mostly.
I’m more of a “well, shit” guy myself.
I wouldn’t call it violence, I would call it a justified use of force.
Let’s see some receipts, Columbo.
Autism is liking things.
If your sushi place is serving you pink ginger, it’s time to find a new sushi place.
I’m a Satanist, but I fuck with based Jesus.