I don’t have any experience with Atuin, but I use and love hstr for similar features.
I don’t have any experience with Atuin, but I use and love hstr for similar features.
Congrats! It’s fun and empowering to make your own tools, isn’t it?
I’m quite happy with Jerboa on GrapheneOS, and on desktop I prefer to visit Lemmy via Tesseract.
I love homepage for this purpose. Gorgeous, good UX, easy to configure, and lots of widgets/integrations.
I currently use Tiddlywiki for all my note taking, but I’m about to switch to TriliumNext Notes.
This is well beyond my skillset (or knowledge level), but something like ArchiveBox combined with ActivityPub might be able to distribute internet archiving, each instance sharing with the fediverse what it has archived.
Thanks for this very rational pep talk!
What license are you offering it under?
If I give Obtainium this URL: https://builds.joinpeertube.org/mobile/peertube_mobile_v0.5.1.apk
…it recognizes that it’s an apk and shares with AppVerifier as I’ve configured obtainium to do. But I didn’t proceed further because I don’t want to install it if it’s not authenticl. I need a hash to compare with appveifier.
I want to install it via Obtainium (in GrapheneOS), but I also want to verify the apk first (w/AppVerifier). I don’t see a SHA-256 hash on framagit’s repo. Is there a way to verify we’re getting the correct apk?
[Docker Volume Backup]((https://github.com/offen/docker-volume-backup )?
That’s great to know!
Thanks for that info, @AtariDump@lemmy.world
I highly recommend OPNsense over pfSense for the UI improvements alone, but there are other reasons to use/support OPNsense over pfSense.
Can you list or summarize some of the other reasons?
Before Linux command line?
I host tt-rss in docker and use Tiny Tiny RSS in GrapheneOS.
When I install qbittorrent via docker, I see this in the docker logs:
qbittorrent-1 | 2024-11-04T15:25:25.201955254Z The WebUI administrator username is: admin
qbittorrent-1 | 2024-11-04T15:25:25.201974066Z The WebUI administrator password was not set. A temporary password is provided for this session: H7ct3xPes
That’s the default admin credentials for the instance. I can then change the login or pw in the UI.
Thanks for sharing about Backrest. I use Restic and Backrest looks like a great addition to it.
That works for me, for a while. I also auto-restart the invidious container stack hourly, per their recommendation. But sooner or later it fails, and usually the fix is to recreate a token. It only takes a minute, but it’s a hassle to do often.