Meta is a dog shit in the middle of a dumpster. Episode 36384927339
Meta is a dog shit in the middle of a dumpster. Episode 36384927339
It’s not about looking what’s happening in the garden, it’s about entering in the garden. It’s two very different situations.
Meta is a dog shit in the middle of a dumpster. Episode 36384927338
I hijack the post to ask for a telegram client suggestions?
I went here for this info. Thanks.
1000 symmetric + true unlimited mobile data in best effort/calls/SMS + TV and replay for 54chf (60$ / 56€)
The ensuring dictatorship isn’t socialism nor communism. You can dream of something and ending with something else.
It’s my point. I never ever wrote the term doesn’t exist nor the term isn’t valid.
My sentence wasn’t that litteral. It’s pseudoscientific crap marketing. “Quantum security” isn’t “survive attacks using quantum computers”. It’s completely pedantic.
The issue with this usage is that the meaning of the words disappears.
Quantum or tell me that you fall in the pseudoscientific trap.
It was nice to use it in nightly. It’s good it came to stable.
I was thinking more in deep editing like texts, pictures, etc. It’s what I call the basic stuffs. It’s not Adobe level but more than fine for the vast majority.
Draw is an amazing pdf editor for basic stuffs.
Nobody cares about them outside the US.
You can configure newpipe to download in the youtube music revanced app.
It may be useful for someone passing by.