I’m so sorry you have to deal with this. And so terrified that anonymity is wiped out that easily
My father in law told me how a guy at work created several pictures with AI for decorating the floor, bragging about saving costs since he didn’t use licensed pictures. But the AI may have used licensed pictures to learn creating those images. Artists lose money due to this being done by companies, which could very well afford paying the artists. I guess a private person creating memes with AI is not threatening anyone to lose their job.
I wish I had your energy
Now I feel stupid that I always assumed they just don’t know better, but this makes a ton of sense - and they can even expect a raise each time they change jobs. So their whole career is based on bullshitting and they for sure make more money than me… I don’t like this thought process
Did you solve it? It looks as if it’s generated. I would guess it’s the lower fridge in case the items are supposed to be falling and the fridge will be the first one to hit the floor.
Me too - for me because things like my floor are meant to be durable, and seeing it being destroyed so easily just by some spores flying around discomfits me.
Try to reduce social media. I did and feel much better without the constant input from others.
This kept me sane during 2020/2021. And I didn’t believe it till I tried it. Nature is awesome.
It’ll always be my favorite one - one movie, two Nicolas Cages. How can anyone beat this?
Also at least in my country I can call in sick if I have a headache, will be paid for the day and there is no number of paid-time-off-days, which will be subtracted by one when I do so. The employer continues to pay up to 6 weeks of salary if you need to stay at home due to sickness, and for a period longer than 3 days you need a dr to confirm you’re sick. The number of sick days per year depend on you actually being sick - I was baffled when I learned this is a fixed number in the US (at least for some) . I guess the motivation to work sick when you have a limited number of paid sick days also contributes to the usage of pain killers.