It’s the same for us (India): “Sink” for the kitchen one and “washbasin” for the non-kitchen ones.
Well I don’t want to end up with a straw in my butt!
I love Gorillaz and have listened to Deltron 3030 plenty of times but never made the connection!
Many people here do not save up for one, especially younger/low-income folks. They get loans on their credit cards. The perceived status is a big deal.
I also saw a video of a teen who made his poor parents give up several years’ worth of savings to get him an iPhone. The store owner made the video and boasted about it, which was disgusting. The kicker is the teen didn’t even get the unboxing experience. The store owner opened the box and showed off the phone before handing it over.
The fur protects it for the most part.
Is this an AI-generated blog? All the posts are dated December 12, 2024.